
Air pollution and its causes Essay

Air pollution and its causes, 501 words essay example

Essay Topic: air pollution

The topic that I want to look into for this paper is air pollution. A reason that I have picked this topic is because we deal with it every day whether we know it or not. It is also becoming a bigger problem each and day. I will go over why it is getting to be a bigger problem and how we are contributing to the problem.
The first thing I want to look at is the definition to air pollution. Air pollution is one form of pollution that can refer to the contamination to the air. (Conserve Energy Future). This can happen in many ways some of those ways are harmful gases, smoke, and dust (Conserve Energy Future). So what this is telling us is that the things we do on a normal bases is help causing air pollution. Anything that can cause contamination to the air is considered air pollution and is harmful to us. This is because air pollution can and may cause health problems.
To look more in depth what air pollution is, let's look at the different types of air pollution. There are two types of air pollution and they are primarily air pollutants and secondary pollutants. Primary air pollutants are direct results of air pollution, this can be considered the sulfur-dioxide that is released from factories (Conserve Energy Future). The secondary pollutants are caused by mixing and the reactions of the primary pollutants, this can be the smog that is created when mixing several primary pollutants together (Conserve Energy Future).
Now let's take a look into the things that can cause air pollution in our society. One thing that can cause air pollution is carbon monoxide. This can be caused by cars, planes, power plants, and other human activities that involve burning of fossil fuels (Air Pollution Causes - National Geographic). Another thing that contributes to air pollution is agricultural, this is because people that raise animals and or grow crops, can generate gases that are released into the air that we breathe (National Park Service). The gases that are being releases are from the manure of the animals which is ammonia. These are two of the bigger contributors to air pollution.
Now let's take a look on why air pollution is bad for us. There are two big reasons on why it is bad are because it can cause health problems such as respiratory and heart problems, while also it is causing global warming. It is causing people to get cancer and it is causing children to get pneumonia and asthma (conserve energy future). To look at the global warming aspect it is causing the world to have increased temperatures. It is also increasing the sea level and it is melting the ice in cooler regions (conserve energy future). With this being said this could lead to places flooding by the ocean and it will affect animals that live in the cooler regions. Which means they can lose their habitat or even become extinct.

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