
An overview on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder Essay

An overview on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder, 506 words essay example

Essay Topic: alcohol, disorder

Description of the Disability
According to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (2015) "drinking alcohol through pregnancy can cause FAS spectrum disorders to the fetus FASD means Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder. The baby can be mild or severe and can have physical and or mental birth defects." According to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (2015) "there are five types of FASD neuro-behavior disorder, partial FAS, birth defects, fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) a severe form of the condition, or alcohol-related neurodevelopment disorder. FAS children can have problems with vision, hearing memory, attention span, and problems with learning, and communication. The harm is frequently permanent to the child. When the child is diagnosed early the outcome for the child is better."
According to MedicineNet.com (5/13/2016) "parents that suspect FAS due to drinking alcohol during pregnancy should have the child examined as soon as possible. If the child has physical issues related to FAS they may later be diagnosed with extra signs that confirm the diagnosis. They can exhibit poor coordination small head, abnormal facial features, slow rate of growth, slow language acquisition, hyperactivity, and behavioral problems, and specific learning disabilities."
Signs and Symptoms
According to MedicineNet.com (5/13/2016) Infants with these signs and symptoms exhibit the following traits unique facial characteristic, such as a thin upper lip, growth delay, low weight, small head, central nervous system abnormalities delay in motor skills, poor social skills deficiencies, lower IQ, and cognitive deficits of reading, spelling, and math."
According to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (2015) "medications for FAS only treat the symptoms of the disability. These medications or modifications treat these disorders and include Behavioral training, socialization training to learn social skills for interacting with their peers, narcoleptics to treat anxiety and aggression, antidepressants, stimulants to treat lack of focus, such as self-control, reasoning, and understanding the effect. "
According to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (2015) "some parents seek alternative treatments outside of medicine in order to avoid the side effects. These include healing practices, such as massage and acupuncture (the placement of thin needles into key body areas). Alternative treatments also include movement techniques, exercise or yoga." Many parents find intervention programs for their child."
Impact on the Student and Accommodations
According to MedicineNet.com (5/13/2016) "Students with FAS experience a lifelong of physical and intellectual challenges. Early intervention programs and multi-therapy can often decrease the impact of the condition. According to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (2015) Depending on the child's symptoms a child with FAS may need Special Education, social services, and therapy for speech problems. "
According to EMORY Maternal Substance Abuse and Child Development (2012)" the teacher should seat the student near their desk close to instruction, keep students who are positive role models near, limit distracting stimuli. These can be items such as Doors or Windows, Lunchroom smells, High traffic areas, and heaters and air-conditions. Give the students a quiet place when upset and ask them if they want to take a walk. Let the student listen to classical or soft music. Keep items posted on your walls relaxing, and soothing."

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