
Analysis of the article “Pushing Back Against High Stakes for Students with Disabilities” By Bianca Tanis Essay

Analysis of the article “Pushing Back Against High Stakes for Students with Disabilities” By Bianca Tanis, 495 words essay example

Essay Topic: analysis, article

Article Features
This article's subject is a political mine field and an educator's night mare, CCS, NCLB, and 'one-size-fits-all' standardize testing, has supporters on both sides. The article was based primarily on the author's opinions and views, her very own 'push back' against CCS and NCLB. She shared her personal challenges of being a special education teacher in New York, and a mother of children that are in need of special education. There was no study or research done by the author, but she did have eight references. The article did expressed Ms. Tanis (2014-2015) frustrations across several topics, instead of focusing on one. I do not think the article was appropriately titled. Although no article discusses the challenges of educating our children, such as this one did, could meet a strict definition of "unbiased". In my opinion Ms. Tanis (2014-2015) had a hidden agenda for her parent advocacy group called New York State Allies for Public Education.
Class Connections
Ms. Tanis (2014-2015) talks about the challenges to bridge the gap between what students' know and can do and what the CCSs requires. Due to Common Core students are "receiving instruction without being taught the necessary prerequisite skills" and "Teaching has become a marathon to cram" (p.20). Standard academic test is being use to assess students if they are eligible for special education services. In several classes we discussed, in more general terms, various philosophies of education and varies methods that are expected to be used by a teacher, the important of teachers meeting the student where they are, to attend to the needs of the student, include tailoring classroom assignments, but we also need to know how federal policy effects and dictates who we teach and how. This article created more questions about high-stakes testing, the demanded accountability of schools, and the provided guidelines for meeting accountability standards under NCLB.
Personal Connection
Part of the reason that I found this article so frustrating is because I struggled with anxiety at when taking a test, and struggled with math in grade school. According to the article, "95 percent of our students with disabilities are considered failing", (p. 21) clearly the currently system of high-stake testing is not a valid form of assessment for students with disabilities. I do not feel that the use of high-stakes testing to gauge the progress and success of student, educators, and school should be used. I understand the intent of NCLB as a way to close long-standing gaps in academic performance, but to me it appears to have had the opposite effect and broaden the gaps. Clearly CCS and NCLB will have a huge impact on my classroom. My intent is to be a part of the solution, by providing input and support to policymakers, we can re-defining NCLB's one-size-fits-all, high-stakes tests policy. Again, I have more questions and will be seeking answers. I agree with Ms. Tanis we must change the culture that exits in schools by encouraging each other to voice their concerns.

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