Debate: Should English Be Made the Official Language In The U.S? Essay
Debate: Should English Be Made the Official Language In The U.S?, 494 words essay example
Essay Topic: language, debate, english
Debate Should English be made the official language in the U.S?
This is a debate about whether English should be declared the official language in U.S. Arguing the affirmative is Chelsea and Allen while those disputing are Janet and Brian.
Arguing the affirmative
Chelsea stressed out how English is the best language stating reasons such as because it doesn't make you sound angry when spoken (like Germans) or sound funny (like Spanish) or sound the same with every word you speak (like Asian countries such as the Chinese and Japanese). She also said that French is the only other good language however there aren't enough French speakers to make the language official.
Allen stressed out that having one language will bring more unity since America is a country filled with many people from all over the world. That is more efficient to have just ONE language one option which is English so that everyone can understand each other perfectly. (Baron, 1992)
Arguing the negative
Janet stressed out that even though English is our common language it is not the only language spoken in the United States therefore people should not be pressured to speak it. She said that people from other places that didn't know any English would have a very difficult time in the United States.
Victor also stressed out that the reason English should not be the official language of the United States is because having multiple languages is what makes America a great country. He also said that even if it is made the official language, people will still speak their native language at home. It is culturally insensitive since America is a rainbow nation.
Declaring English as the official language of the United States is an ideal that has long been debated about with strong arguments coming from either side of the debate. The negative side however has brought stronger arguments demonstrating that this idea is dangerous and culturally insensitive. (Baron, 1992)
The topic of my essay is "Should English be the Official Language in the United States?"
I chose this topic because for at least two decades, people living in the U.S have been divided over the issue of whether English should be declared the official language given the country's immensely diverse population together with all the languages present.
The element that I have struggled with in this essay is mainly organization and thesis statement. The points are not that straightforward and picking a side is not easy since there are very persuasive points being argued.
The three things that I would like my peers to focus on are?
1. Grammar and sentence structure. How the grammar is and the structuring of the sentences, punctuations,
2. Relevance of the content. The focus on the particular subject to produce a clear picture, the focus on that particular topic or main idea in order to produce an effective piece of writing.
3. Organization. How the work and the argued points have been organized.
(Bereiter, 2007)