
Diabetes Mellitus Research paper Essay

Diabetes Mellitus Research paper, 495 words essay example

Essay Topic: research paper, diabetes


The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes diabetes as a condition whereby the body does not entirely process food for use as energy5. Additionally, diabetes is defined as the inability of the body to convert body sugars (glucose) into energy1. It raises major concerns to health researchers and medical experts because glucose in the primary source of energy to the body. When a human being consumes food, it is digested and changed to carbohydrates, fats and proteins. However, it is the carbohydrates that significantly affects the blood sugar levels in the body1.

The American Diabetes Association has contributed immensely to the research regarding the diagnosis and classification of diabetes4. Also known as diabetes mellitus, the condition is caused due to the failure of the pancreas to produce enough insulin for the body4. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the blood sugar level in the body. Additionally, the condition becomes prevalent in situations whereby the body fails to effectively use the insulin that has already been produced. Due to the chronic nature of the disease, it requires continuous medical care and the inclusion of multifactoral riskreduction strategies that go beyond the glycemic control3. 

This paper will therefore conduct a research analysis regarding the chronic condition by providing a background of the diseases. Further, it will define the types of diabetes mellitus and identify the characteristics, symptoms and costs that are due as a result of the conditions. To accomplish this, the study will integrate an indepth review of statistics of one screening and diagnostic test. Finally, the paper will provide at least three plans of action that have been initiated by the relevant medical experts that are aimed at ensuring that such occurrences are effectively managed.

Background and Significance of Diabetes Mellitus

There are numerous basis of classifying diabetes mellitus and other categories of glucose regulations. Between 1997 and 2003, the Expert Committee on Diagnosis and Classification determined a group of individuals that had very high glucose levels to be considered normal yet did not meet the criteria for diabetes. This intermediate group was referred to as having the Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) of between levels 100 mg/dl and 125 mg/dl. Additionally, the committee identified another intermediate group that was deemed to have the Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) whose glucose levels at least 140 mg/dl with the maximum level at 199 mg/dl.

However, there are three types of diabetes mellitus. The type 1 diabetes does not produce insulin as such is also known as insulindependent diabetes, juvenile diabetes and earlyonset diabetes. This type of diabetes is developed by individuals before they attain 40 years. As such, it is commonly witnessed by people in early adulthood or amongst those in their teenage years. Patients with this type of diabetes are required to take an insulin injection for the rest of their lives and ensure balanced bloodglucose levels in their body. The latter can be achieved by constantly carrying out a blood tests ad adhering to a special diet.

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