Evolution of gadgets and other kinds of equipment. Pros and Cons of the constant usage in everyday life. Essay
Evolution of gadgets and other kinds of equipment. Pros and Cons of the constant usage in everyday life., 499 words essay example
Essay Topic: pros and cons, evolution, life
In our daily routine, we utilize many types of equipment and gadgets to facilitate our lives and to reduce our effort. While exercising that equipment, we still experience some faults and flaws in them, that if corrected can provide a great amount of benefit in our daily routines .While observing the gadgets that I use in my daily life, there is some equipment that should be redesigned in order to make it more beneficial and easy to use. The first and foremost of them is the remote controller for television or Air conditioners. When the remote controller was invented it was not wireless with big boxy shape .But as the science become smarter, the remote controller is changed into wireless, easy to handle and convenient equipment with more features. But while looking at the buttons of the remote controller, there are 9 number button, different arrow keys, DVD button with volume, mute and power button. Looking towards the new trends and technology of the world, the remote controllers should be innovated with digital screen and with minimum keys. There should be a sensory working and remote should be efficient enough to automatically analyze the different aspect of the user and TV i.e. it can have the voice controller, timer etc that make the user feel more comfortable and easy-to-use. It can also be redesigned by using the Bluetooth etc by which channel can be changed from anywhere. A beeper can also be fit in it, in case there is any problem with the television .While talking about the remote Controller for Air Conditioners, Sensor should be fit in it, which can detect the temperature of the place and provide cooling accordingly. I t can also be thought that these remote controller should be emerged into a mobile application with minimum control and maximum performance. Moreover, there is some other equipment as well that should be redesigned which include trash cans, hair brush, toaster etc. With little modification, these equipments can come up with more reimbursement. If we analyze most of the equipment we use, there is always a space for more innovation and modification and these ideas eventually leads towards the new and innovative technology in this mobile world.
Q 2 Are you aware of the set-up that could lead to the health problem with repeated use?
Yes, I think I am quite aware of those set ups which when repeated can set up to the hazardous health problem. One of the prime aspects by which many people suffer health problem is by working in electronic machinery atmosphere. Health problem are mainly caused by working in the environment where there's continuous emission of radiations. Electronic devices have surely provided some revolutionary benefits but some of them may emit radiations which is the prime cause of health problems. The continual working in this type of environment can cause various problems which include stress disorder, muscle and skeletal disorder, repeated movement disorder etc. These grow up as a smaller disorder but eventually,