
GE and Sunbelt Mobile Device improvement Essay

GE and Sunbelt Mobile Device improvement, 491 words essay example

Essay Topic: health care, cell phone, iphone, time

GE and Sunbelt Mobile Device improvement
Jasmine Walker
Ottawa University
Sunbelt Rentals is one of the largest companies in equipment rentals in North American territory that boasts a volume that includes over 550 locations. One Sunbelt Rentals goals is to aid its customers effectively and consistently by developing their employees by ensuring availability, accessing the best prices, Offering timely responses to customers, seamless bookings, and Enhancing the user experiences in terms of quality (Constellation Research, 2012).
General Electric is also considered to be one of the biggest companies in technology in the world with various sets of business enterprises ranging from health care technologies, media, financial service, aviation, and a plethora of others. The company has developed, and built technologies which have transformed the ways in which one livesand has been looking for various possibilities, potentials, capability development and opportunities to constantly develop and sustain its technology leadership (GE, 2016). The core concern or focus at GE is to find how existing technologies can be utilized effectively and innovatively in order to develop new technologies, better services and enhanced capabilities to serve customers more effectively (GE, 2016).
When Apple released the IPhone cell phone. GE was one of the earliest companies to identify its potential in terms of its business value to enable the workforce with much faster and accessibility to mobile data through interface easy for using it. (Apple 2016). For instance with the readily availability of the laptop, the employees were empowered to be productive. They were also privileged to have ease of access to their information. The capability and potential for productivity enhancement and ease of working further increased with the introduction of IPads (Apple, 2016).
In order to further enhance the capabilities of available mobile technologies, General electric setup an excellence center, which only developed and analyzed mobile devices. The development analysts have developed a plethora of applications available on IPads and IPhones has also developed a dedicated portal internally for making it easier and simpler enabling users for finding and downloading these applications (Apple, 2016).
Sunbelt Rentals also an opportunity to utilize iPhone for enhancing its business capabilities. In the beginning the company used a device app, which gave real time data of the latest prices of the IPhones, which was provided, to 1,200 sales force team members enabling them to offer services that were effective immediately. This application was also exclusively provided to Sunbelt Rentals, which gave the company a competitive boost over its competitors. The advancement of iPhone enabled the company to extensively use mobile devices to grow, enhance and ignite the businesses capabilities. (Constellation Research, 2012). These capabilities far surpassed other companies, which did not use mobile devices.
Sunbelt also looked to further its growth in this area by adding a partnership with AirWatch company. This partnership increased the effectiveness and capabilities of the employees even further (Sunbelt, 2016).
Sunbelt Rentals. (2016). Retrieved from
GE. (2016). Retrieved from
Apple. (2016). "GE  Reinventing Mobility". Retried from

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