
Gender – based violence of women Essay

Gender – based violence of women, 496 words essay example

Essay Topic: violence, gender

Often women advocate for peace, equality as well as respect of the human rights. Therefore the perverse violence against the human race reduces globally. Effective laws placed globally should allow for equal women's participation in political and peace issues. This therefore has a significant potential effect of attaining peace and a safe society for the women and the girl child. Therefore in order to improve the effectiveness of the international laws on gender based violence, more women should be encouraged to participate on political issues (Puri, 2013).
GBV is mostly present due to the norms and stereotypes of the society regarding the practice. The male is stereotyped and viewed as violent while the female is stereotyped as submissive (UN, 2010). Any act of violence against women that a male engages themselves in is thus viewed as normal. Education and awareness should therefore be created on the inappropriateness of these types of stereotypes and norms. The governments within different countries should support and fund public awareness campaigns on GBV. These types of awareness can be both formal and informal. Through campaign on GBV, the public becomes sensitized against violence against women. Women therefore enjoy equal rights as men. Awareness on GBV additionally heighten the knowledge the public has on laws that are supposed to address the violence against women and girls. This therefore kills impunity and promotes fairness.
The prevention of violence against women and girls should encompass increased sexual and reproductive health and rights education. Such powerful education makes it possible to promote the rights of women as well as protecting them against violence (UN, 2010). Women gain knowledge and control on matter to do with their sexuality. Women as a result can easily and freely decide on matters that pertain to their sexuality. With this kind of power, men cannot effortlessly violate women sexually.
Officials who handle the cases of gender based violence should be adequately trained. Professional training of these official ensure that they become determined in ending the gender based abuse of the human rights. The training should ensure that the officials gain a deep insight on the critical nature of the issue at hand (Koneva, 2014). The laws should as well enforce proper establishment of the mechanisms for the monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of gender based violence. Through the above, official responsible for promoting justice to the victims of GBV will ensure that they do not go against the law. On the same note, monitoring promotes gaining insight on area and issues that prevent implementation of the set laws and rules by the available officials.
Protection of women and girls from violence and discrimination has been faced by numerous issues. This has therefore made it a challenge to protect women from GBV. Most women within the global scene have at a certain point in their lives experienced different form of violence. The different strategies that this essay has discussed can therefore improve the effectiveness of laws placed to protect women and the girl child

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