
Letters written during World War I Essay

Letters written during World War I, 504 words essay example

Essay Topic: war

We are in the Army now. I am sitting inside my little old tent listening to the gentle drops the raindrops on the tent. It began raining this morning and it is still at it. We had no drill today, so I will have time to write a letter. We got into the city O.K., we marched up to the armory and had dinner. Their was a mess in the armory. We have to march back and forth to eat. The food is pretty good so far as they have some women helping with the cooking.
We set up camp in the afternoon. Shoemaker has been Acting Corporal in our squad. We got the tent up all right under the direction of one of the old heads who has seen service on the border. Some equipment was issued in the afternoon. As my name has not done well in the list, I have not received anything yet in my own name.
Corporal Bob is staying in town so he let me have his stuff. Got a, gun and numerous other things, I don't know what they are used for. I slept on the ground last night in a tent with just an even dozen in it. Some of the fellows are staying in town at hotels, rooming houses, and private houses. Taken altogether, things are in rather poor shape as yet, but I suppose it takes a little time to get around. A few of the bunch act like a bunch of bums instead of soldiers, but they will get that taken out of them when they get to a real camp.
They got Dennis James for kitchen duty the first thing. Markus ruhl was stuck for guard duty last night. It must be fine walking up and down in front of a row of tents watching the other fellows sleep. One thing they did do, everybody had to quiet down at ten-thirty last night. We had a good entertainment before lights out. A fellow in our squad by the name of
jeff gets off some pretty good comedy -- original stuff, too. He is a rather rough nut, but not as bad as some of this crowd.
I lost my right leg things are hard I drink when I am tired and when I leg hurts, I really miss you guys so much. I might not come back the same boy you knew, all the pain I went thru my leg the alcohol and the memories I had of the trenches and the fields. I wish I can come back to you and sleep on a bed and sleep. So I whant some letters from you to know IF you are OK and how you are doing and what's going on at home.
There was some crowd at the station yesterday, wasn't there? I think I shook hands with everybody in town three or four times. Not a very pleasant task under the circumstances, either. Well, I got so much company i

Your sleepful night is just one step away.
You sleep, we work.