Manufacturing and Commercial Applications Essay
Manufacturing and Commercial Applications, 503 words essay example
Essay Topic: manufacturing
Here, the supreme control is given to the administrator who handles and maintains the entire organizations' data. In this context, the subjects are assigned security clearances and objects are assigned security labels according to their access levels and hierarchies. The Administrator solely has on the right to assign the security level and security clearances to the objects and subjects. It prevents the flow of the data from higher security level to lower security level thus maintaining the data integrity levels. This makes the data entered into the system to remain unaltered for long time. The information stored once cannot be modified by the unauthorized individuals in the cloud environment. Life critical applications require a access control that restricts the leakage of the security related data to wrong hands so that it could be mishandled and misused. So, it is highly desirable to combine the MAC features with the life-critical applications. Thus MAC proves to be more convenient and beneficial in granting secure environment for cloud users thus spreading its importance in highly confidential military and life-critical applications.
B. Manufacturing and Commerical Applications
Those applications which are developed, owned and maintained by the individual organizations or companies come under this module. These organizations solely have the right to restrict the services from being provided to the malicious users and to develop a thick layer of firewall/security against the intruders to ensure the data security and privacy in a highly distributed environment which fetches huge sum of revenue to the owners. Here, the users may range from novice to experienced level since it covers large amount of population in a top level of abstraction. Despite of giving access permissions based on identities and labels, a new prototype has been emerged to use the roles of the user as a gateway for accessing the permissions. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) consists of two mappings. The first mapping is from users to roles and the second mapping is from roles to permissions.
In an organization, individual employees will be guaranteed roles thereby providing access to have the resources .Nowadays, almost all the industrial and commercial applications own individual organisation setup consisting of employees and workers. Under such scenarios, the users may have to play multiple roles. RBAC provides users with hierarchy of roles according to their job positions and titles. So, even when the roles or removed or revoked, it is not mandatory to change the access permissions that has assigned to that roles. This scheme overcomes the disadvantages of the previous models and it is more flexible paving way for many enterprises and organizations to formulate their access policies without violating their organization structure and policies. But the main issue is that, the access is allocated based on user's respective roles, it is difficult to retain and reallocate the roles and permissions for users after change of their positions and job titles in the organization hierarchy. Hence in all aspects, RBAC proves to be more beneficial and appropriate for industrial and commercial applications in high end.