
Positive and negative aspects of a lower driving age Essay

Positive and negative aspects of a lower driving age, 499 words essay example

Essay Topic: driving age

Many teens are interested in being able to drive at a younger age, but it is still unclear if they are able to handle it. If the legal driving age is lowered, are we endangering the lives of teen drivers, as well as the passengers with them? I believe that most people want to drive as soon as they can. However, recently the government has been trying to pass laws that may change the current driving age of 16. There are positive and negative aspects of changing the laws that allow the driving age to stay at 16. There are many different reasons why we should keep it at 16. First off it's a good working system that we have followed for a long time. Another good reason that helps this concept is that the teenagers are still in school so it's easier for them to take drivers training. If there are more drivers that ultimately mean that more people will be paying for insurance. There are also the reasons why we should change it from 16. Like for instances, most 16-year-olds aren't responsible enough to drive. There are facts that show that younger drivers, those between ages 16-25, receive more citations, are more likely to have their driving privilege suspended, and are responsible for more accidents than drivers in any other age group. Another reason is that it's a higher cost to own a car when they are making so little money.
If we were to raise the driving age it may possibly be changed to 18. the good reasons for raising it to eighteen would probably be that they're more responsible. they have more money because of their jobs and if you go away from home you need a license. The bad thing of what would happen if the age is changed is that there would be a lot more illegal drivers on the road. individuals eighteen and under may not be eligible for jobs because they don't have their own transportation. Another issue is that almost all kids would need to be driven to any or all the school functions.
There's most likely no chance of the driving age being brought down lower below 16 because not very many people will really trust kids that are much young of age, however if that did happen here's the pros and Cons of that side. First, parents wouldn't need to drive any kids to high school events. another excuse is that {the kids|the youngsters|the kids} are accountable enough to babysit why not drive? The Negatives are that the accident rate can increase because children will party and drive. maybe you consider the possibility of teenagers buying alcohol and become drunk, and combine that with the possibility of a lower driving age, it then becomes clearer that there is a great danger of a rise in drinking and driving accident. Thinkquest parents are going to be more involved regarding their kids driving at such a young age because of an increased accident rate.

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