
Social changes in America after the First World War Essay

Social changes in America after the First World War, 500 words essay example

Essay Topic: social, america, war

America was able to change significantly after WW1 including the political, social, and economic changes in the 1920s. One of the social changes includes that cars become more common after the WW1 as people had the money to purchase the cars. There was a boosted war economy from the wars. The expansion of the economy from the wars in America allowed the people to change more things. Before the First World War, "most people had the challenge of maintaining their own lives." Today, the Americans have access to money to afford more leisure activities and items as well.
Socially, women were able to take up roles in the society. After WW1, women were given important roles in the American society. For instance, they were employed in the Army to provide medical attention and care to the wounded soldiers. During the Second World War, it also made it possible for the migration of the people. After the war, "many African American were moved to the North to increase in job opportunities following the passage of the JimCrow laws."
After the end the war, close to 25 percent of the African Americans remained in the South. The African Americans traveled North by car, train, bus, plane, and mostly through walking . Another social change is the emergence of fashion. Before WW1, the women could change close to3 times in a single day. After the war, they adapted a more dimple look which helped to conserve materials for the army soldiers. Therefore, after the WW1, there were many changes, which including giving people the rights to move.
Economically, there was a change towards the creation of agencies. The U.S government created special agencies who were involved in the direction and control of the economy. The agencies assumed "the overall control over labor, resources, and transportation." The government specialized the specific needs to industry and the allocation of resources for production purposes. Also, it led to the creation of new methods of financing and production . The war led to the drastic change in economic production programs and new methods of financial which supports production.
The government was able to replace the individual household, as the main consumer of the nation's goods and services. Considering the immense conflict which aroused from the WW1, the economy was able to refocus significantly. "The shift from the production of consumer goods to war supplies created jobs for small firms" . It lead to the cooperation between the businesses and government. "The government gained power which was appropriate in expanding the growth of the national governments." Another effects of the WW1was able to give the women more employment. The women were able to fit in the American culture.
Politically, the Americans were to create new policies which aimed at raising taxes to pay off the costs of the wars. America went to war which was highly costly to the nation and thus, "the taxation of the people sought to recover from the debt" . Also, the America was able to benefit

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