
Strategies that a teacher can use to address problem behaviors in school Essay

Strategies that a teacher can use to address problem behaviors in school, 491 words essay example

Essay Topic: problem, teacher, school

BIP At school
At school, the instructor will teach Chester small little tasks such as color differentiation. Thus, DTT is the best method for use in school. The strategies that a teacher can use to address problem behaviors in school include
Signal interference It involves having a planned signal with the student as a reminder to redirect improper behaviors.
Token Reinforcement Systems  The Student receives a token when a defined target behavior is performed. This works better for more disruptive children or students. Tokens must be given immediately after desire behavior is performed and it helps enhance selfcontrol.
Social Reinforcement This is the effective use of a teachers attention and praise to promote appropriate behavior.
Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
It is a teaching method, in which simplified and structured steps are used. The skill is categorized and builtup using discrete trials that teach one step at a time( Farmer and Chapman, 2008).
The Six Steps of a Discrete Trial
I listed 6 parts in the trials shown
The antecedent is the first section of the trial (discrete trial). The goal of the antecedent is to set up the response. An antecedent will enable Chester to be able to provide the correct response. An example is when a instructor puts balls of different colors in a jar and asks Chester to point to a specific color. When writing out the discrete trial, all of Is activities would be written out as the antecedent e.g the antecedent can be shortened to A for a blueorange color discrimination. Thus the antecedent will appear as follows
(A) Blue and Orange ball on the desk in front of Chester. Instructor says point to _______ (Blue or Orange).
Prompts are supplemental teaching aids and they are of numerous types. To give an example, when Chester was first learning to point to colored balls, a prompt known as a full indication prompt is used. Chester points to yellow and then I immediately point to the Blue ball himself, effectively giving Chester the answer. Only if Chester then responded correctly by pointing to the Blue ball would reinforcement be delivered. This is a full indication prompt. When this prompt is used a number of times and Chester is responding correctly under a set criteria, it might then be reduced to a partial indication prompt. I say point to Blue. I signal halfway to the Blue ball (partially gesturing). Reinforcement would be delivered if Chester then pointed to the Blue ball. As the teaching further progressed, this prompt might also be zeroed out so that no prompting is being used. When there is no prompting being used, the prompt level is still definite thus it is clear for Is. Zero prompting is defined as independent. This prompt level lets Is know that no prompts are to be used because Chester is expected to respond with no help from I. The prompt level is shortened into the letter "P". The written discrete trial will appear as follows

Your sleepful night is just one step away.
You sleep, we work.