
Terrorism in Facebook and Twitter Essay

Terrorism in Facebook and Twitter, 499 words essay example

Essay Topic: twitter, facebook, terrorism

A policy of banning something that might be understood as provoking violence could also lead to questions of censorship, because a persons hateful publicity could be another persons free speech. But that doesnt mean companies like Facebook and twitter arent taking these things seriously and are okay, because it abuses some ones right of freedom of speech. There is no place for terrorists on Facebook, We work aggressively to ensure that we do not have terrorists or terror groups using the site, and we also remove any content that praises or supports terrorism. says Facebook spokesman Andrew Souvall. Face book says that it will remove any profile, group or page that is related to a terrorist organization.
The twitter use in the past few months has been increased by groups of terrorists. Supporters of ISIS have used almost 46,000 twitter accounts in the year of 2014 between September to December. In the past few months after ISIS had posted a lot of videos and pictures, twitter took a step and started deleting many of their accounts. Even though they continued to make new accounts, however because of them making new accounts they had to start all over again, and had less followers and supporters. This way it was harder for ISIS to spread their message among the people. The good news is that this limits the reach of their propaganda and recruiting, and makes it harder for ISIS to accomplish its goals online, Berger says.
Should ISIS be banned from the social media? This question is debatable and has become a problem for the world. There are many arguments regarding this topic. There are two groups, some people say they should be banned and some say they shouldnt be banned from the social media. People who say they should be banned argue that if the American government or the American companies do shut down the internet for the terrorist they would be violating the terrorist freedom of speech rights. The Supreme Court already said about this case that if someone has sponsored or helped a terrorist organization their freedom of speech rights will not be protected by the constitution anymore.
The other side of the argument is that they shouldnt ban them from the social media because the terrorist using social media does give the community information that they wouldnt have known if they didnt post the information on the internet. If they are banned this way we wont know what they are up to. Just last week it was reported that three men were arrested because they had plans of joining ISIS and one of them supposedly posted online that he wants to shoot the President of the United States. If he didnt post that on a social media, no one would have known about it and probably wouldnt have taken any action. People have reported that youngsters who use private apps to Communicate ISIS are on a private encrypted network that prevents the law enforcement to stop those messages.

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