
The influence of food on person’s overall feeling and mood Essay

The influence of food on person’s overall feeling and mood, 496 words essay example

Essay Topic: food, influence

The relationship between food, supplements and mood in a person depends on the type of food like for example junk food or healthy food, the amount of food that is ingested, the diet that each person carries and also in the age of the person. That is why we must be careful about what type of food we eat and the time of the day in which we eat it.

Some people have experienced different ways of how food can make them feel bad or good. For example one person may feel restless and exhausted after eating a big meal, and another person may feel motivated and stimulated after a good healthy breakfast. Also, a very important factor is the time when we eat, it is not recommended to skip meals during the day because it can lead to some psychological disorders like stress, depression, anger, anxiety and also poor concentration. What is recommended and is crucial is that people should set a period of three to four hours between meals everyday to avoid the different disorders mentioned before and always be sure to eat a healthy amount of protein and carbohydrates.

As we know the foods that contain a good amount of protein, vitamins and carbohydrates keep us healthy and in a good shape, but It is important to mention not to eat anything in excess. There are a lot of foods and supplements that are recommended for the different psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, stress and others. For example leafy greens and pumpkin seeds contain magnesium that is good in calming and help you when you are stressed. Nuts and eggs contain a lot of vitamin B which calm and minimize anxiety. Vegetables like onions, lettuce and tomatoes contain chromium that regulates the blood sugar which is important to our humor. There are fruits like avocado and banana that help improve our concentration because they have a good source of vitamins in addition, it is recommended to drink a lot of water every day to avoid dehydration, which influences also in low energy. Other foods like red meat, sea food and whole grains help reduce anxiety and boost depression as well.

In conclusion, food, supplements and mood have a strong relation in our mental health and physical health. There are a lot of foods and supplements recommended for psychological disorders like depression, anxiety and stress that make your life better. In my opinion, I knew that healthy food was good for your health because my parents always have taught me since I was young, but after this research I have learned that certain foods are also good for the different psychological disorders mentioned before. Everyone should research about this kind of topic because it is so interesting and applicable in life.


Elizabeth Somer (2009). Eat your way to happiness. Ontario Canada Harlen Quin

Jack Challen (2007). The Food Mood Solution. Hoboken New Jersey Wiley

Elizabeth Somer (1999). Food and Mood. New York, New York Holt

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