
The process of Vicia faba seeds treatment with narcuss extracts Essay

The process of Vicia faba seeds treatment with narcuss extracts, 414 words essay example

Essay Topic: process

the percentage of the induced abnormalities in the roottip cells of Vicia faba (Table 2).
The lower value in mitotic index in the roottip cells after treatment of Vicia faba seeds with narcuss extracts and storage for one, three and six months indicates inhibition of cell division than the value of control. This suggests the suppression of mitotic activities in Vicia faba seeds treated with narcuss extracts and storage, since mitotic index is a quantitative estimation of the mitotic activities in an organisms or a particular organ of an organism. This observation corroborates the findings of
Bakare et al. (2000), who recorded lower mitotic index values in the treated root cells of A. cepa when compared with the control root cells
Highly statistically significant reduction of mitotic index values resulted at all storage periods (Table 1). The degree of limit mitotic inhibition reached to 23.14 %, 14.36% and 13.45%with narcuss extract and storage for one ,three and six months. the percentage of limit mitotic inhibition slightly improved and reached to 13.45 %. This means that long periods of storage were improved the mitotic index.
From the results obtained the cytogenetic analysis indicated that mode of action for narcuss extracts toxicity involved disturbance of mitotic processes and induction of cell division aberrations. In the present study, the treatment of faba seeds induced a decrease in mitotic index (Table 1). The reduction in mitotic index suggests that, the cells undergoing mitosis are toxically( cytotoxic and genotoxic) affected by these treatments at end of time storage, the levels of toxicity due to appearance various chromosome related to anomalies increase toxically affected, in the cells exposed to narcissus extracts.
The extracted from fresh bulbs of many varieties of daffodils two compounds have been extracted. Although their structure are related to many Amaryllidaceae alkaloids, the compounds show no basic properties since the nitrogen is amidic in character. The first substance, named narcislasine , shows a strong anti mitotic activity and has been assigned structure VIII or its mirror image (Piozzi et al.,1968) . This suggests the suppression of mitotic activities in V.faba seeds treated with extracts, since mitotic index is a quantitative estimation of the mitotic activities in an organisms or a particular.
Most types of chromosome aberrations observed in high percentage were stickiness, disturbance, chromosome bridges in anaphase and telophase, lagging chromosome and micronuclei appearing in interphase cells (Table 2). Treatment with narcissus extracts caused high chromosome frequency after storage for one month caused high chromosome aberration frequency compared to the control. The highly percentage of chromosome aberration reached to 24.890.18**(P<00.1) compared to control 0.890.85 after treated seeds and storage for one month .
these observations above may be due to the nucleotoxic action of the extracts or disturbance of formation of spindle fibers during cell division which leads to chromosomal aberrations.
Stickiness of chromosomes were the most common effects of this extract on the root tips cells (fig.) .The percentage of stickiness reached to 76% after treated seeds and storage for one month. Percentage of disturbed

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