
The results of Pearson Education's Self-Assessment Essay

The results of Pearson Education's Self-Assessment, 490 words essay example

Essay Topic: assessment, education

Step 1
Part I What About Me?
The first section of Pearson Education's Self-Assessment was very helpful because it allowed me to discover my values, attitudes, motivations, decision making, and things about my personality I never wanted to admit. My Jungian personality type is ENFJ. ENFL's have the ability to inspire others, great interpersonal skills, are good psychologists, and making the workplace more congenial" (Kroeger, Thuesen, and Rutledge, 2002, p. 389). This means that I am charismatic, persuasive, and compassionate. Understanding my strengths and weaknesses allows me to successful decisions in my career for myself and my team. I have a hardcore Type A personality. This suggests that I should not focus on quantity versus quality and I will do better with a job that is routine (Pearson Education, 2016, 1.A.3).
Due to my Type A personality, I usually experience high stress, so finding ways to relieve that stress or eliminate it will be helpful to my overall health. Type A managers are empathetic, communicate appreciation, are goal oriented, and are invested in responsibilities (Billing and Steverson, 2013, p. 1893). I like to have a routine, and when it is interrupted, I can adjust well, but with an attitude and a feeling of being overwhelmed. My score was a 37 which indicates that my job involvement is moderate. I like my job, but I do not let it consume me, which was a surprise because I am constantly stressed over work. According to Billing and Steverson (2013), "Type A personality moderates the relationships between job stress and job satisfaction, job involvement and personal life satisfaction" (p. 1893). The results reveal that I am a diversity optimist. I enjoy working with people from different backgrounds and cultures and often prefer to be paired with individuals from a background that is different from mine.
Surprisingly for this assessment, I scored high on growth needs, which is typical of college students (Pearson Education, 2016). On the other hand, my relatedness and extrinsic need scores indicate that I am highly motivated. I am in tune with my interpersonal needs and I am able to relate to co-workers professionally which will allow me to work more efficiently teams in be a hands-on manager who generally about my staff.
I was shocked to learn that I value close working relationships, which I never admitted to myself. I do like to feel like part of the team, and when I do not feel this way I start to question how likable I am and how others perceive me. As a person who plans everything, I like to get a head start on tasks at work, homework, and other things that need to get done at home. I do not delay decisions or life activities (Pearson Education, 2016). My score for ethics reflects that my decision-making choices are conscious, that I follow the law, and try to do what is morally right. These are great traits to have in the business world considering the temptations of the outside world.

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