What is Organizational culture? Essay
What is Organizational culture?, 492 words essay example
Essay Topic: organizational culture
What is Organizational culture?
Each firm or company has their own unique personality. Their unique personality of an organizations can be called as its culture. Organizational culture can not be seen but have a power that affect the behaviour of the members.
There is a lot of definition if we talk about Organizational culture, it is the shared assumptions, values and beliefs which manage how the people behave in organiazations. This assumptions or shared of value have a strong impact on the mambers of organization and influences how they dress, act and perform their job. Every organizations have their own characteristics of culture that differ the behavior of the people in the organization.
Charactristic of organizational culture
1. Innovation (risk orientation)
Companies with high value of innovation push their employees to take the risk and make inovation on their job performances. Companies with low value of innovation culture just do their job the same way based in the company has been trained them without doing any ways to improve their performance.
2. Attention to detail (precision orientation)
This characteristic govern theit organization to do their tasks accurately. A culture with high value on attention to detail assume their employees to do their job accurately while the culture with low value does not.
3. Emphasis on outcome (achievement orientation)
This culture give more focus on the result but don not really care about how the achieve this result. A company that instructs its sales force to do whatever it takes to get sales orders has a culture that places a high value on the emphasis on outcome characteristic.
4. Emphasis on people (fairness orientation)
Companies that place a high value on this characteristic of organizational culture place a great deal of importance on how their decisions will affect the people in their organizations. For these companies, it is important to treat their employees with respect and dignity.
5. Teamwork (Collaboration Orientation) - Companies that organize work activities around teams instead of individuals place a high value on this characteristic of organizational culture. People who work for these types of companies tend to have a positive relationship with their coworkers and managers.
6. Aggressiveness (Competitive Orientation) - This characteristic of organizational culture dictates whether group members are expected to be assertive or easygoing when dealing with companies they compete with in the marketplace. Companies with an aggressive culture place a high value on competitiveness and outperforming the competition at all costs.
7. Stability (Rule Orientation) - A company whose culture places a high value on stability are rule-oriented, predictable, and bureaucratic in nature. These types of companies typically provide consistent and predictable levels of output and operate best in non-changing market conditions.
What is corporate culture?
The beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company's employees and management communicate and deal about outside business transactions. They are not expressly defined and develop time to time. Corporate culture will be shown in the business hours, hiring decisions, treatment of client and etc.