
What Is True Happiness Essay

What Is True Happiness, 492 words essay example

Essay Topic: happiness

Happiness is never about what happens to you, how much you earn, or a glitzy new phone. It's all about who you are. Your personality and behaviour. The way you treat other people and respond to them.
Get those right, and you'll do well. And be happy and successful. Because the world doesn't owe you a living. Everything that creates real success and happiness has to come from within yourself.
So don't limit yourself. You can achieve your dreams, even though you may feel that you don't have what it takes. Instead, focus on success, not failure. Because whatever you really focus on, you can accomplish.
Some ideas to help you on your way
Make a point of meeting lots of new people. Especially those with different backgrounds or beliefs to yours. Be open to their ideas and learn from them.
Judge others by their actions and never by their words. So the first time someone shows you who they really are, believe them. Especially politicians  or a new date!
You can't change other people. So focus on the ones who treat you well, and ignore the ones who don't.
Never fear failure, and instead see your mistakes as testing. Real failure's giving up, everything else is learning. Setbacks just show you how to do better next time.
Set yourself really high standards but don't become a perfectionist. It's just another form of procrastination. Stop trying to make things perfect. Just get them done.
Develop skills that are truly valuable, and then sell them at the highest price that the market will bear. And avoid working for people who always want more for less. The less someone's willing to pay you, the more difficult they'll be to work with.
If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Big discounts, easy credit, ever increasing property prices
and anyway, you're not your bank account, your car or your house. When you think about what really makes you happy, you'll see that your real wealth is your family, and living a life you love.
Which means that the most important choice you'll ever make is your spouse. So choose well, and then treat your partner the way you'd like your kids' future spouses to treat them. Anything else? Have lots of good sex. Marriage really is that simple.
Parenting though, is harder than you can ever imagine. But also the most rewarding experience of our lives. So learn how to do it well.
That means being tough and consistent. Your kids know that you have to keep them in line. And don't fight all their battles for them. Helicopter parents end up with children who don't have the guts to stand up for themselves.
Constantly grow your knowledge. And never see someone else's difficulties as a moral issue. Get to know them first. And ask yourself what you can do to support them. Because it's in helping others that real joy lies

Your sleepful night is just one step away.
You sleep, we work.