
Challenges to core values: how to deal with it? Essay

Challenges to core values: how to deal with it?, 496 words essay example

Essay Topic: how to, challenges, values

Friere (1972) believed that love is an agent of transformation, and should be the foundation of education. He argued that education is the best vehicle to drive love out into the world. As educators, when we bring love into the classroom we transform our schools from a mere place of learning to a community where students partner with one another for the common good. They learn to support, help, and care for one another Hooks (2003) wrote that
All meaningful love relations empower each person engaged in the mutual practice of partnership. Between teacher and student love makes recognition possible it offers a place where the intersection of academic striving meets the overall striving to be psychologically whole (p. 136).
Love interwoven into the framework of learning helps students connect with one another, and creates a space where a community can grow and often times learning becomes a group endeavor built on support and mutual respect. A classroom community based on love breeds understanding, empathy, acceptance, and healing. A community can only be forged out of love, and cannot take root where people are divided and self-focused. If our classrooms become learning communities based on love and respect students develop the skills and attitudes to go out into the world and live in a community. Through love and community students develop a sense of themselves and their relation to the world.
Challenges to core values and potential responses
While my beliefs and motives originate from a place of faith I incorporate them into my library by example and through respectful interaction with my students. I do not publicly announce my faith, but quietly through servitude and example demonstrate my faith and core values. To date, my values have not been challenged. However, if my values were challenged I am sure the challenge would not be a result of the love I show the students, but my belief of where that love comes from. While my beliefs have not been challenged within the workplace there have been times when my religious values and philosophies have been challenged. I tried my best to respond to these challenges with love, not anger by respectfully explaining why I hold certain principles of faith to be true. I would like to say that I would handle any challenges in the workplace with the same approach of love, not anger, but it is difficult when faith and beliefs are challenged. However, I believe as a Christian it is imperative to behave in a way that follows a Christ-centered life by putting ego and pride aside and displaying grace towards all.
In my case, a critic may be a student or co-worker who may misunderstand my intentions or not respond to my acts of love. Everybody at some point in time will face challenges to their core values. No matter the challenges it is important to react and respond out of love and not anger. A respond with sincerity and respect. Love would require me to respond w

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