
Common Authentication Methods Used for Network Security Essay

Common Authentication Methods Used for Network Security, 495 words essay example

Essay Topic: network, common, security

In 2002, Clarke et al. suggested the usage of camera-based devices as an option but more secured authentication technique for critical transactions with untrusted computers. With the explosive growth in the number of camera-equipped smart phones around us, mobile based authentication may turn out to be a popular authentication method soon (Liao & Lee, 2010).
Recent cellular devices are best known equipped with the QR-code decoding software. For this reason, mobile phones implement the QR-code to support lot of services these days such as booking tickets, paying fees and URL readings. For the time being, there are many benefits to utilize the QR-code in mobile phones such as Omni-direction readability and error correction capability. So an interesting approach proposed in this project is implementing the widely used QR-code technique to strengthen the one-time password system, since the QR-code applications with mobile devices can obtain the benefits inherited from QR-code, such as a larger capacity, the small printout size, the high speed scanning, the damage resistance and the data robustness.
In addition, multiple properties, such as convenience and mobility, gains from the mobile devices make this method more practical. Thus, it could be more convenient since the users would not require to carry around a particular hardware token for each security domain to which they demand access.
All authentication approaches are different. None of them has the same usage and each one will respond to certain needs. Besides, different applications of the same authentication technique will provide very different levels of security. For instance, even the theoretically strongest authentication system, if the enrollment stage is poor, it will as well provide a poor trustworthiness on the claimed identities. Each authentication technique still has native advantages and problems.
The comparison points out some essential criteria about authentication methods and deployments as illustrated in Table 2.4. We could see that the observed popularity of authentication approaches is more related and the low infrastructure costs can also be clarified that it is more widespread, than popular. It is also, at least for that particular set of authentication techniques, inversely equivalent to the level of security it offers. The direct relation between popularity and ease of use proves how handiness is crucial for a deployment of any authentication system. The cost is generally proportional with the security it provides. That signifies that it could be a good solution to share strong authentication solutions between different Information Systems. explained how we can defense and when we can practice the weak and strong passwords according to the levels of authentication assurance in security systems. However, authentication on the Net could be achieved by using technologies that rely on user centered software solutions.
Authentication of users on the Internet is a major concern, since there is no perfect solution to solve it. This drawback is due to the basic protocols and client HTTP is not designed to authenticate users, neither is HTML to conduct authentication interaction with users. Based on that statement, new solutions began to emerge.

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