
Life beyond Earth: should we send humans to Mars? Essay

Life beyond Earth: should we send humans to Mars?, 498 words essay example

Essay Topic: life, mars

How did you think about the aliens? Did you think they are really exists? If we success on send humans to mars, we can see aliens or another living things. Maybe, if we see aliens, they might be look same as us. According to INDEPENDENT news, Nasa's Curiosity Rover found evidence of life on Mars. Curious spikes of methane cannot analyze by earth science or other ideas. I think people need to go to Mars and more inquiry about it. The purpose of this paper is to make a decision about we should send humans to mars or not. I think people should send humans to mars. Therefore, in this essay, I will explain about the problem, solution and reasons and evidence that relate with reasons.
Firstly, we can get more new information about Mars by observing. Consequently, we can get scientific development too. Furthermore, other people may think that we don't have enough technology to go to Mars. According to SPACELINE, Apollo 11 successfully landing moon on July 16, 1969. At that moment, there might have been less technological ability than now anyway they successfully landing. It means we are close to the success because we improve on technological ability, even if Mars is much farther than moon.
Secondly, we can develop the value of life on Earth. According to BUSINESSINSIDER, British doctor, Alexander Kumar wrote article for BBC News. The article is about where he explored the pros and cons of send humans to Mars. "Only by pushing humanity to its limits, to the bottoms of the ocean and into space, will we make discoveries in science and technology that can be becoming to develop life on Earth."
Lastly, we might find a new habitat for our future instead of the Earth. Did you heard about Mars also be called 'another earth'? From THE MARS SOCIETY, possibly it is a world with a surface area same to all the continents of Earth united, acquire all the elements that are needed to support not only life, but technological society.
However, there are many people who disagree to send humans to Mars. They might think about how can we eat foods especially withered vegetable and get clean water. The distance between the earth and mars is about 225 million km. When we close to Mars, the foods are become stale so we can pack limited of foods. If we pack vegetable, that can wither so we can't eat it. From NASA blog, I can find a way that scientists solved this problem. In International Space Station, Veggie (NASA Vegetable Production System) team success the cultivate vegetable. The lead of Veggie team, who is Dr. Gioia Massa said, "Veggie has shown us we can grow plants in space pretty darn similarly to how we do on Earth." Also, conforming to NASA, we can drink urine and sweat with Water Recovery System on International Space Station. Water Recovery System, which is being called 'Bob Bagdigian', can recycle almost 93 percent of the water it receives.

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