
Post result mobile application for SQU students Essay

Post result mobile application for SQU students, 494 words essay example

Essay Topic: application

Figure 3 above describes the framework of post result mobile application for SQU students. The figure illustrates the services that are provided to students including appeal forms and appeal result as appeal operation module. These services can use the database (tables) which store all students related data. Once the student has the right to access the application then he/she will be able to use the other services. Appeal services provide students with different privileges for instance access appeal service, check appeal time, send appeal request, save appeal request and send appeal remarks via email. On the contrary, student could view appeal result list as a result of his/her appeal request.
Figure 4. Send the requestor and give the response of post result mobile application
Figure 4 provides further details about services, which supposed to use in post result mobile application. As the main services structure, the developers followed the same steps to upload the services and receive the data from the remote server. All the system services will be uploaded as JSON pages and get the URL to be used in the application. The JSON provides the data as XML. Glossary of Terms (n.d.) defined JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight datainterchange format. It is created on a batch of the JavaScript Programming Language and notify the client with precise data [17]. Based on the above framework, researchers can apply SOA to be used for building new post result mobile application using services provided by service providers. These services will be in the form of JSON data received from remote server. So, the new system will be composed of independent services supplied by the provider.
Therefore, the requirement for developing new service
Server create services and issue them for public purpose.
Client access for requesting a desired service required to build a system.
Services are implemented functionalities that will be created by a server.
Database store services those are created by a server and used by client.
1. Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we have presented post result mobile application for SQU students, which is flexible and easytouse. In order to help SQU students to access the appeal service easily with a fast response time, encourage the students to use this service using new technologies such as mobile phones. The developers followed a set of steps to come up with the analysis and design phase in a complete manner. For instance, specified the functional and nonfunctional requirements of the system and designed the framework/architecture for the app with SOA services. Because, applying the concept of SOA in post result mobile application will give power to implement this application in real environment. In future, we intend to distribute the admin services in internal repository to be available on the same mobile app. Moreover, these services will contain update appeal request, delete appeal request and other additional facilities. In addition, the researchers will expend the idea to cover other mobile platforms for instance, IOS platform.

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