
The Difference of Brix Value of Melon Essay

The Difference of Brix Value of Melon, 490 words essay example

Essay Topic: value

every fruit had different brix content so it must be wash after every measurement. We got different data as brix in melon flesh (mesocarp) for QTL mapping. After brix measurement data collected small plastic bags and 5ml centrifuge tubes for melon flesh. From central and other four points around melon fruit, we took melon flesh (mesocarp), with helped of sterilized spoon and putted these flesh into centrifuge tubes. These centrifuge tubes we putted in plastic bags. We did like this every day with every sample. Melon flesh Samples putted at -80degreesC for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
5.1.6 Source of Plant materials
In this study we used (235) plants F2 individual melon crops that were crossed between two different parents line genotypes (MR-1 and topmark) topmark were developed by USDA. It is slow growing and this parent line fruit produces light green mesocarp with black stripes and small fruit (i.e. light green flesh) while MR-1 was fast growing plant, fruit produces in round shape with yellow color (mesocarp), F1 plant self-pollinated to generated F2 individuals, F1 plant are considered as healthy and good fruits. F2 generation was self-pollinated to generated F3 generation. BC1P1 and BC1P2 were crossed with parent and back crossing plant population.
5.1.7 Experimental design and evaluation of fruit traits of all six populations
5.2 Plastic house evaluation
Melon crop populations such as (P1 MR-1) (P2 topmark) and (F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2), were evaluated in plastic house during the summer season at Horticulture Experimental Station of Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, China (44degrees04'N, E125degrees42'), from of mid of April and end of August 2014. Two parents (described above), and F1 generation each were grown in three replications, and 12 plants were grown in each row consisting of 24 plants per plot in fertile soil block supplemented with drip irrigation. Standard cultivation practices were followed according to Horticulture Experimental Station, Northeast Agricultural University. The plants distances were kept as 35 cm and row was 43 cm while the plot to plot distance was 77 cm.
5.2.1 Molecular experiment method
5.2.2 DNA isolation
We collected four generation for isolation of genotype (P1, P2, F1 and F2), For DNA extraction, and collected 4 weeks old seedling of fresh leaves. Collection of leaves in plastic house wore sterilized gloves and took ice box with small plastic bag for leaves collection. We selected 4 weeks old seedling for leaves collection, cut that portion of leaves with scissor which were immature leaves and immediately putted these leaves in small plastic bags and then in ice box. We did this process with every plant which was we need leaves for DNA isolation. We took 0.5 mg leaves from composition leaves of one melon plant these leaves putted 4ml centrifuge tube and then immediately putted in liquid nitrogen, used of liquid nitrogen for DNA isolation good for high quality DNA. Grinding leaves with helped of wood chopsticks. In one centrifuge tube pressed one wood chopstick pushed with hand force until leaves looks like powder. Wood chopsticks

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