
The explanation of basic needs of social institutions Essay

The explanation of basic needs of social institutions, 503 words essay example

Essay Topic: social, explanation, basic

Social institutions are established sets of norms hat support each society's survival. Each part carries out certain tasks and has different responsibilities that add to the overall operation and support of a society. This helps to decrease confusion and increase structure. While societies may differ in how they establish these duties, they all have economic, governmental, family, educational and religious organizations. The ten social institutions are as followed Family, Religion, Education, economy, medicine, politics, law, science, military and mass media. To completely figure out the quality of the nature of social institutions it is common to carefully study two of the main points of view the functionalist and the conflict perspectives. Although agreeing that the original purpose of social institutions was to meet basic needs for survival, the functionalist and conflict perspectives give different views of social institutions. Functionalists analyze social institutions in terms of the role they play. To understand a component of society, you must know what its function of the institution is. The functionalist perspective attempts to explain social institutions as collective means to meet individual and social needs. In general, the functionalist perspective views society as a difficult system and focuses on different important events for social unity and stability. Conflict theory suggests that these social institutions are controlled by groups with the most power and are not used for the common good as it is so often claimed but to help them remain powerful through manipulation.
Out of the ten institutions I chose family, religion and law to explain the basic needs that each fulfills in society. The basic need or role that the family fulfills is to control and regulate sexual behavior. In other words families may teach children that refraining from sex before marriage is the best course, or it may, on the other hand, encourage teens to experiment in sex. In either case children will be taught that any type of sexual intimacy should be limited to certain categories of persons and to certain situations and places. The family may also place vehement prohibition on intercourse at certain times, such as during their menstrual cycle, pregnancy or following childbirth. The regulation of sexual activity is also concerned with such behaviors as the public display of affection. The family also provides financial and emotional maintenance for their children. Primary Socialization is also a role the family plays. Parents provide their children with social behavior. They show them how to manage conflicts, converse with others and how to maneuver through their day-to-day life. The amount of bonding done with children can have a positive or negative social interaction in the early years of childhood and as they reach early adolescence. Religion provides solutions for the unexplained anomalies. Supplying a means for controlling the world. Religion tends to support the standardize framework of the society. It serves as a tool for socialization. The law is the institutionalization of norms. Laws enforce what is supposed to be normal in society. It also protects society from external threats. In conclusion

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