Three desires of my life: success, love and wealth. Essay
Three desires of my life: success, love and wealth., 499 words essay example
Essay Topic: life, success, love, wealth
Love already governs many aspects of my life, but I hope it lasts while expanding. Firstly, my family has been there for me since I was born. They have been the first people to love me, and they have done so unconditionally, every day since. However, nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. So I hope that through all of the mistakes I make in life and all the challenges I encounter, my family will continue to love me. I will carry that love that I have received from my family onto my future wife and children. Starting my own family is one of my biggest goals that I hope to accomplish in my life. Loving my wife and children is something that would come naturally and last forever, as nothing overpowers love. Moreover, as previously stated, I have wanted to be an accountant for as long as I can remember. So, loving my career is something I look forward to. Going to work every day to do the job I love, would be a really big joy. Thus, attaining further love as well as giving love is something I look forward to in my future.
I yearn to obtain great wealth in my lifetime. Not for the purpose of attaining materialistic things, but for the purpose of not having to worry about financial debt. I want to be able to live comfortably in my life, and not have to worry about my finances with regards to school, work or my personal life. I do not want my family to worry about finances either, so I want to obtain wealth so my family and I can live a comfortable lifestyle. In addition, I want to be able to afford luxuries and not have to worry about cost. I want to be able to have the car and home of my dreams without worrying extensively about insurances or mortgages, and I want to be able to take my family on vacations and satisfy their wants, while still being able to contribute and donate to charities. I want to share my wealth with the less fortunate. Lastly, I want my children to have a good life. I want them to attend the university of their dreams, without having to worry about tuition, while still giving them luxuries and helping them in any way that is necessary to help them become better people, but not spoiling them too much. Hence, obtaining wealth is something I desire, as it would help not only me, but also my family and the less fortunate.
Whether big or small, difficult or simple, we all have desires. We all hope to do something significant or be someone significant before we die. Three desires that consume my life are success, love and wealth. Within all of these elements that help give me a sense of self, I have aspects in which I anticipate to pursue. The greatest satisfaction is attaining each of these three desires in my lifetime.