What is the adaptive remote sensing image fusion technique Essay
What is the adaptive remote sensing image fusion technique, 492 words essay example
Essay Topic: image
\section{Dataset characteristics }
The adaptive remote sensing image fusion technique is implemented on several data set of remote sensing satellite images. The dataset is described as following in table I\\
\caption{The Dataset characteristics of different satellites.}
Sat. & Fig. & Size & Spatial resolution & Description\\
Spot& Fig.2 & 725x725 & 10m & $Pan$ of French Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre satellite for observation of Earth.\\\\
ASTER & Fig.3(a) & 580x580 & 30m & the SWIR (short wave infrared) band 456 of the Aster one of the five instrument sensor systems on board Terra a satellite launched on 1999 at Vandenberg Air Force Base, USA. \\\\
MSS & Fig.4(a) & 153x154 & 80m & band 123 of the MSS (Multi-Spectral Scanner), on LANDSAT-1 to 5. It is the one of older generation sensors, the routine data acquisition was finished in late 1992.\\\\
MODIS & Fig.5(a) & 39x36 & 250m & band 134 of MODIS Satellite. The MODIS Satellite is the Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer. The MODIS instruments are a part of the payloads on board NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS). \\\\
ETM+& Fig.(5) & 611x611 & 15m & $Pan$ band of ETM+. The earth observing the instrument on Landsat 7, the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), duplicates the capabilities of the highly successful Thematic Mapper instruments on Landsats 4 and 5. The ETM+ also contains new features that make it a more versatile and efficient instrument for global change studies, land cover monitoring and assessment, and large area mapping than its design forebears.\\
\section{Experimental Results}
The several dataset of satellite images which were illustrated on table (I) were used to verify the adaptive remote sensing image fusion based on the DCT technique. The adaptive remote sensing image fusion technique was compared with the PCA image fusion technique and the image fusion based on DCT with a fusion rule of the weighted average. The comparison is done among the original $MS$ and the fused images to see the effect of image fusion techniques on the spatial resolution and spectral information. Clearly, the adaptive remote sensing image fusion based on the DCT technique had better visual quality than the other techniques for all dataset. The first experiment is performed on the SWIR(short wave near infared) bands 456 of Aster which was shown in Fig.3(a). The Fig.3(b-d) were illustrated the fused image of the PCA image fusion technique, the image fusion based on DCT with the weighted average fusion rule and the adaptive remote sensing image fusion based on the DCT technique, respectively. It can be seen that some of the details of rocks were destroyed in the fused images of the PCA image fusion and the average weighted fusion rule technique. On contrary, the adaptive remote sensing image fusion based on the DCT technique preserved these details almost perfectly and the result fused image was the most obvious and the less distortion. This has been achieved statistically, as is evident in Table (II).