Mental Institutions Is The Dark Ages of Mental Illness

The Dangerous Lunatics and Dangerous Idiots Acts that was held in place until the 1940s meant that all that was needed to lock up a person inside a mental institution was a relative telling the court that the person was insane. There were no built...

dark ages, mental illness

The explanation of Graves disease

Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder that deals specifically with the thyroid gland. The body makes antibodies that bind to TSHR, thyroid stimulating receptor, on the thyroid gland. This leads to hyperthyroidism or a huge increase in the release...

explanation, disease

The principles of effective antimicrobial treatment

The varied response of microorganisms to biocides may be ascribed to variations in morphological structure (e.g. vegetative cell versus mature spore) and chemical composition of the individual microorganism (Maillard, 2002 Turner et al., 2000)....


Cancer treatment: the evaluation of the differences in the dose received by the OAR

For this study the limitations were that, the V50 doses had to be manually measured with a cursor on the dose volume histograms. This made it difficult to place the cursor perfectly on 50%. Some plans for certain patients had a higher Dmax compared...

evaluation, cancer

Secure messaging platforms as a tool for constant communication between healthcare staff

There is a high need for doctors and other healthcare staff to be in touch with each other. Secure messaging platforms tend to provide a quick and flexible way for healthcare professionals to connect and fulfill the HIPAA and other security...


The Acute Injuries and the Rehabilitation Phases

Imaging Plain radiographies are not as efficient in examination of acute injuries as ultrasound and MR imaging. MR imaging is superior when it comes to the evaluation of injuries deep in muscle portions. Location of an injury and the seriousness...

body, grade, muscle, process


Periodontitis is an immunoinflammatory disease characterized by the loss of tooth supporting structures, including the connective tissue attachment and the alveolar bone. Plaque and bacteria are generally recognized as the primary cause of the...

process, trauma, cause, suffering

Diabetes Mellitus Research paper

Introduction  The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes diabetes as a condition whereby the body does not entirely process food for use as energy5. Additionally, diabetes is defined as the inability of the body to convert...

research paper, diabetes

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